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      智能傳動系統- Itelligent drive system .

      智能家居設備- Smart home equipment

      電動工具- Electric tool

      醫療設備- Armarium

      機器人- Robot

      汽車部件- Auto parts

      泵- Pump

      推進器- Propeller

      園林工具- Gardening tools

      農業工具- Agricultural equip

      圖層 10.jpg


      電氣性能可定制,如電壓、 轉速、扭力等- Electrical properties can be customized, such as vltage/ speed  /  torque and etc

      機械性能可定制,如出軸尺寸樣式、安裝法蘭等- Mechanical properties can be customized, such as shaft confi guration, install  /  ange and etc

      可額外添加各種電子原件:如編碼器.電容電阻等- Additional electronic components can be added: such as Encoder possible  /  Internal capacitors or varister and etc

      圖層 11.jpg
