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      工業設備- Industrial equipment

      傳動系統- transmission system

      定位和驅動系統- Positioning and actuation systems

      玩具模型- Toy Model

      醫療設備- Medical Equipmenta

      家用電器- Home Electric Appliance

      電動工具- Power tools

      園林工具- Gardening tool



      内置或者外置驅動器- integrated or extraposition drive electronics

      不同的電壓、轉速、扭力等電氣屬性- Diff erent electronic performance such as voltage/ speed/ torque and etc

      帶或不帶霍爾- With or without hall sensor

      驅動的電子保護功能- Drive electronics protection function

      各種控制功能例如調速、刹車等- Diff erent control function such as speed adjustment/ brake and etc

      出軸尺寸、法蘭、高度等機械屬性- The mechanical properties such as shaft dimension/ fl ange/ height and etc

      可選配不同軸承和減速箱- Diff erent bearings and gearbox are available102.jpg


